Happy Thanksgiving! (Yes, we do celebrate Thanksgiving in Seattle in spite of what the Liberal Turkeys want you to believe).
And what a great long weekend this was. We took advantage of the great weather and hiked in the Lincoln and Discovery Parks and walked around Alki Beach, with our son in the backpack.
I have been looking for a solid block of free time from my daytime job in order to look into porting ZeroBUGS to the PowerPC.
I have an old PowerMac that I bought used from a company in Oregon this past summer, for this specific purpose (and promptly installed Ubuntu on it).
But I did not have the time to look into it seriously until now. The main motivation was to see how far I can push the envelope, with the existing design holding up. In other words, I wanted to see how portable my overall design of ZeroBUGS was. And porting prompts one to revisit, re-test and refactor old code.
Of course, I did not expect the outcome of three or four nights of hacking to be perfect.
But the result, while very rough, is quite usable (at least usable enough for me to bootstrap the debugging of the debugger with itself) and I am quite happy with it.
So what's so hard about porting the debugger to the Power architecture? you may ask. Shouldn't it be quite a straightforward task, given it is written in portable C++?
A debugger interacts with the target program (and the OS) at a low level, and hence parts of it depend on the low-level architecture details. Take stack unwinding for example. The layout of stack frames (or links, in PPC parlance) is different than on the Intel chips. And so is the mapping of DWARF register numbers onto the CPU general purpose registers.
Linux runs on PowerPC in big endian mode (as opposed to Intel chips which are little-endian systems) and thus the binary representation of C and C++ bit fields differs.
The hardware support for debugging (special debug CPU registers) also varies across processors.
Well-thought abstractions should isolate these idiosyncrasies. I found out that I have done a good job designing the stack unwinding mechanism (a "driver", template method that delegates to platform-specific bits) but totally blew the model for hardware debug registers.
Oh well. Back to the drawing board. Luckily it is not a heavily-used feature...