The D Programming Language supports
foreach loops over associative arrays.
Associative arrays are data structures that look much like "normal" arrays, but the index types are not integers. Here's an example of an array of doubles indexed by strings, expressed in D:
double [string] a = [ "pi" : 3.14159, "e" : 2.718281828, "phi" : 1.6180339 ];The D language does not explicitly specify how associative arrays should be implemented. In C++ associative arrays can be implemented as standard STL
hash_maps (to be replaced by
unordered_maps in C++0x) or with
Google's sparse hash maps, to name a few possibilities.
In other languages such as Python, associative arrays are called
dictionaries. The family of .NET languages take advantage of the
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary class (this is also what the D compiler for .NET does: it implements associative arrays as system dictionaries).
D provides an easy way to iterate over an associative array, the
foreach keyword. This keyword should be familiar to anyone programming in C#, UNIX shell, or managed C++. Here is an example for how it is being used in D:
foreach (string key, double value; a) {
version(D_NET) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}".sys, key, value);
else {
writefln("%s=%f", key, value);
The types for the key and value arguments can be explicitly specified, but that is not necessary as the compiler can infer them automatically. The
foreach line can be re-written more compactly as:
foreach (key, value; a) {
Another legal form for the statement, used to iterate over the values (and ignore the keys) is:
foreach (value; a) {
The current implementation of the compiler front-end synthesizes a nested function out of the loop's body. The .NET back-end constructs a delegate out of this nested function and its closure; then it "wimps out" and calls a run-time helper written in C#:
public class AssocArray
public delegate int Callback<V>(ref V value);
public delegate int Callback<K, V>(K key, ref V value);
static public void Foreach<K, V>(Dictionary<K, V> aa,
int unused,
Callback<V> callback)
/// ...
static public void Foreach<K, V>(Dictionary<K, V> aa,
int unused,
Callback<K, V> callback)
/// ...
The generic
Foreach function has two overloads, to accommodate both forms of the foreach statement.
D rules do not allow an array to be modified from within the loop, but
the elements of the array can be modified if the value argument has a
ref storage class:
foreach (key, ref value; a) {
value = 0.0;
C#'s rules are stricter, one cannot modify neither the collection (by adding / removing elements) nor change the individual elements. To work around this restriction, the run-time helper code does two passes over the dictionary that corresponds to the D associative array:
static public void Foreach<K, V>(Dictionary<K, V> aa,
int unused, Callback<K, V> callback)
Dictionary<K, V> changed = new Dictionary<K, V>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> kvp in aa)
V temp = kvp.Value;
int r = callback(kvp.Key, ref temp);
if (!kvp.Value.Equals(temp))
changed[kvp.Key] = temp;
if (r != 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> kvp in changed)
aa[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
The Callback delegate is constructed from the address of a closure object and a nested
foreach function, both synthesized in the compiler. The generated code looks something like this:
newobj instance void 'vargs.main.Closure_2'::.ctor()
stloc.s 1 // '$closure3'
ldloc.1 // '$closure3'
ldftn instance int32 'vargs.main.Closure_2'::'__foreachbody1' (float64& '__applyArg0')
// construct Foreach delegate
newobj instance void class [dnetlib]runtime.AssocArray/Callback`1::.ctor(object, native int)
.line 14
call void [dnetlib]runtime.AssocArray::Foreach(
class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2,
class [dnetlib]runtime.AssocArray/Callback`1)
Edit: After writing this piece I noticed that I forgot to mention one interesting side effect of my implementation: because there is no try / catch around the Callback call in the C# run-time support code, the foreach loop has all-or-nothing transactional semantics.
For example, this program has different outputs when compiled with DMD from when it is compiled with my D / .NET compiler:
import System;
import dnet;
import std.stdio;
void main()
int [string] x = ["one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3];
foreach (ref v; x)
if (v == 3)
throw new Exception("kaboom");
v = 0;
catch (Exception e)
writefln("%s", e.toString());
foreach (k, v; x)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}".sys, k, v);
writefln("%s, %d", k, v);
Under D/.NET it prints:
one, 1
two, 2
three, 3
while the native compilation gives:
object.Exception: kaboom
two, 0
three, 3
one, 1
It would be very easy to get my compiler to emulate the native behavior, but I kind of like the "transactional" flavor...