Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Delegates in D for .NET

This past weekend I typed "Joe Newman" in Pandora and sat down for a couple of hours to implement delegates in my .NET back-end for the D compiler.

I begun by studying the documentation on MSDN and I noticed some differences in the way delegates work in .NET and D.

In .NET (and C#) delegates are objects that wrap pointers to functions so that they can be manipulated and invoked safely. The functions may be either standalone or members of a class. In D, the concept of delegates applies only to member functions. Delegates may be called asynchronously in .NET (I am not aware of a similar feature in the D programming language). The concept of delegates is thus simpler in D.

The implementation that I came up with is straight-forward: classes that derive from [mscorlib]System.MulticastDelegate are generated for each delegate type. The classes are sealed and each have a virtual Invoke method that matches the signature of the D delegate.

For the following D code snippet

class Test
void fun(int i)
{ ...
Test t = new Test;
void delegate(int) dg = &t.fun;

the generated IL looks like this:

.class sealed $Delegate_1 extends [mscorlib]System.MulticastDelegate
.method public instance void .ctor(object, native int) runtime managed {}
.method public virtual void Invoke(int32) runtime managed {}
.locals init (
[0] class Test 't',
[1] class $Delegate_1 'dg'
newobj instance void delegate.Test::.ctor ()
stloc.s 0 // 't'

ldloc.0 // 't'
ldvirtftn instance void delegate.Test::'print' (int32 'i')
newobj instance void class $Delegate_1::.ctor(object, native int)

One small (and annoying) surprise that I had was that although the IL standard contains code samples with user-defined classes derived directly from [mscorlib]System.Delegate, such code did not pass PEVERIFY and, more tragically, crashed at run-time. The error message ("Unable to resolve token", or something like that) was not helpful; but the ngen utility dispelled the confusion by stating bluntly that my class could not inherit System.Delegate directly. Replacing System.Delegate with System.MulticastDelegate closed the issue.

Once I got delegates to work for class methods, I realized that the code can be reused to support D pointers to functions as well. In D pointers to functions are a different concept from delegates; in .NET however, a delegate can be constructed from a standalone function by simply passing a null for the object in the constructor. It is trivial for the compiler to generate code that instantiates .NET delegates in lieu of function pointers.

One nice side-effect of representing pointers to functions as delegates is that they can be aggregated as class members, unlike pointers to other data types that cannot be aggregated as struct or class fields (an IL-imposed restriction for managed pointers).

I hope that one day D decides to support asynchronous delegate calls. I have yet to imagine the possibilities for asynchronous, pure methods.

Until then, the .NET back-end is moving along getting closer and closer to a public release.

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