Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Studying D Programming Language...

I have recently decided to re-hash (sic) my algorithms, and to study the D Programming Language at the same time. Below you can see a cool heapsort implementation.

As I used the ZeroBUGS debugger to step through the code, I have noticed that the DMD compiler does not generate debugging info for the template parameters (a and b in swap, a in siftdown, and so on). I hope this glitch (and other related bugs) will be fixed before the next D Programming Language conference.

import std.stdio;

void swap(T)(inout T a, inout T b)
scope tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;

void siftdown(T)(inout T a, int begin, uint end)
uint root = begin;
while (root * 2 + 1 <= end)
scope child = root * 2 + 1;
if (child < end && a[child + 1] > a[child])
if (a[root] < a[child])
swap(a[root], a[child]);
root = child;

void heapify(T)(inout T a, uint length)
int start = length / 2 + 1;

while (start >= 0)
siftdown(a, start, length - 1);

void heapsort(T)(inout T a)
uint count = a.length;
heapify(a, count);

while (count > 0)
swap(a[0], a[count]);
siftdown(a, 0, count);

void main()
long[] a = [ 5, 4, 1, 2, 100, 10, 42, 5, 10 ];

writefln("----- heapsort -----");

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